[Python-ideas] automation of __repr__/__str__ for all the common simple cases

Nathan Rice nathan.alexander.rice at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 19:54:15 CET 2012

>> I feel like Python's standard library bloat actually makes
>> the good stuff harder to find, and a better approach would be to have
>> a minimal "core" standard library with a few "official" battery pack
>> style libs that are very prominently featured and available.
> If the only problem is "hard to find," then you need a documentation
> re-organization, not a change to what is shipped where.

I think the documentation is pretty well organized overall.  There is
an issue of irreducible complexity though; someone that is searching
for a specific thing wouldn't care, but a newer user trying to get
their bearings on how this python thing works by browsing the standard
lib probably would.  Additionally, decoupling modules from the
interpreter release schedule would probably be a good thing.


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