[Python-ideas] Dynamic code NOPing

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Sun Dec 30 11:58:21 CET 2012

Victor Stinner, 30.12.2012 11:42:
> My astoptimizer provides tools to really *remove* debug at compilation, so
> the overhead of the debug code is just null.
> You can for example declare your variable project.config.DEBUG as constant
> with the value 0, where project.config is a module. So the if statement in
> "from project.config import DEBUG ... if DEBUG: ..." will be removed.

How would you know at compile time that it can be removed? How do you
handle the example below?


## constants.py

DEBUG = False

## enable_debug.py

import constants
constants.DEBUG = True

## test.py

import enable_debug
from constants import DEBUG

    print("DEBUGGING !")

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