[Python-ideas] Documenting Python warts on Stack Overflow

Ned Batchelder ned at nedbatchelder.com
Wed Dec 26 14:21:16 CET 2012

On 12/25/2012 7:10 PM, anatoly techtonik wrote:
> I am thinking about [python-wart] on SO. There is no currently a list 
> of Python warts, and building a better language is impossible without 
> a clear visibility of warts in current implementations.
> Why Roundup doesn't work ATM.
> - warts are lost among other "won't fix" and "works for me" issues
> - no way to edit description to make it more clear
> - no voting/stars to percieve how important is this issue
> - no comment/noise filtering
> and the most valuable
> - there is no query to list warts sorted by popularity to explore 
> other time-consuming areas of Python you are not aware of, but which 
> can popup one day
> SO at least allows:
> + voting
> + community wiki edits
> + useful comment upvoting
> + sorted lists
> + user editable tags (adding new warts is easy)

1) Stack Overflow probably won't accept this as a question.
2) a bunch of people answering "what is a wart" is not a way to get the 
Python community to agree on what needs to be changed in the language.  
People with ideas need to write them up thoughtfully with proposals for 
improvements, and then engage meaningfully in the discussion that follows.

You seem to think that people just need to identify "warts" and then we 
can start changing the language to remove them.  What you consider a 
"wart" is probably the result of a complex balance of competing forces.  
Changing Python is hard.  We take backward compatibility very seriously, 
and that sometimes makes it hard to "remove warts."


> This post is a result of facing with numerous locals/settrace/exec 
> issues that are closed on tracker. I also have my own list of other 
> issues (logging/subprocess) at GC project, which I might be unable to 
> maintain in future. There is also some undocumented stuff (subprocess 
> deadlocks) that I'm investigating, but don't have time for a write-up. 
> So I'd rather move this somewhere where it could be updated.
> -- 
> anatoly t.
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