[Python-ideas] Tkinter and tulip

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sun Dec 23 00:03:55 CET 2012

Though not mentioned much in the tulip discussion, tkinter is a third 
'T' package with its own event loop. (And by the way, I associate 
'tulip' with 'Floriade', with 10s of thousands of tulips in bloom. It 
was a +++ experience. But I suppose it is too cute for Python ;-)

Yesterday, tk/tkinter expert Kevin Walzer asked on python-list how to 
(easily) read a pipe asynchonously and post the result to a tk text 
widget. I don't know the answer now, but is my understanding correct 
that in the future a) there should be a tk loop adapter that could 
replace the default tulip loop and b) it would then be easy to add i/o 
events to the tk loop?

My personal interest is whether it will some day be possible to re-write 
IDLE to use tulip so one could edit in an edit pane while the shell pane 
asynchronously waits for and displays output from a 'long' computation.* 
It would also be nice if ^C could be made to work better -- which is to 
say, take effect sooner -- by decoupling key processing from socket 
reading. I am thinking that IDLE could be both a simple test and 
showcase for the usefulness of tulip.

*I currently put shell and edit windows side-by-side on my wide-screen 
monitor. I can imagine putting two panes in one window instead.

Terry Jan Reedy

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