[Python-ideas] An async facade?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Fri Dec 21 00:21:20 CET 2012

On 12/20/2012 5:52 PM, Jonathan Slenders wrote:

Please post plain text rather than html (same for all python.org lists). 
Html posts ofter come out a bit weird.

 > Anyway, like c# does, I implemented the await keyword for Python,

On my reader, this is normal size text.

 > Personally, I think this is a very clean solution for Twisted's

While this was half sized micro text. (It is normal here because by 
default Thunderbird converts to plain text for newsgroups and I am 
posting via news.gmane.org.) The alternation between full and 
half-height characters makes your post hard to read.

Terry Jan Reedy

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