[Python-ideas] PEP 3155 - Qualified name for classes and functions

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Mon Oct 31 15:33:20 CET 2011

On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 10:17:14 -0400
Jim Jewett <jimjjewett at gmail.com> wrote:
> How meaningful are the extra two slots for every function or class object?

It's only one extra slot per function or class. It represents a 6%
increase for functions, and a 1% increase for classes (not counting the
space taken by the __qname__ string itself, but it will be usually be
shared amongst many objects).

> Have you done benchmarks like the Unicode Changes PEP has?

I don't expect it to have any interesting impact. What benchmarks
do you have any mind?



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