[Python-ideas] Cofunctions - Getting away from the iterator protocol

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 09:15:47 CET 2011

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu> wrote:
> I believe raise just instantiates the indicated exception. I expect that
> Exception.__new__ or .__init__ captures the traceback info. Subclasses can
> add more. A SuspendExecution exception should be able to grab as much as is
> needed for a resume. A CAPI call could be added if needed.

No, the traceback info is added by the eval loop itself. Remember that
when you raise an exception *type* (rather than an instance), the
exception doesn't get instantiated until it gets caught somewhere -
the eval loop maintains the unwinding stack for the traceback as part
of the thread state until it is time to attach it to the exception

This is all at the tail end of the eval loop in CPython, but be warned
it's fairly brain bending stuff that depends on various internal
details of the eval loop:

> I hope you keep looking at this idea. Function calls stop execution and pass
> control 'down', to be resumed by return. yield stops execution and passes
> control 'up', to be resumed by next (or .send). Exceptions pass control 'up'
> (or 'out') without the possibility of resuming. All that is lacking is
> something to suspend and pass control 'sideways', to a specific target. A
> special exception makes some sense in that exceptions already get the call
> stack needed to resume after suspension.

That's not actually true - due to the need to process exception
handling clauses and finally blocks (including the implicit ones
inside with statements), the internal state of those frames is
potentially no longer valid for resumption (they've moved on beyond
the point where the internal function was called).

I'll also note that it isn't necessary to pass control sideways, since
there are two different flavours of coroutine design (the PDF article
in the other thread describes this well). The Lua version is
"asymmetric coroutines", and they only allow you to return to the
point that first invoked the coroutine (this model is a fairly close
fit with Python's generators and exception handling). The greenlet
version is "symmetric" coroutines, and those let you switch directly
to any other coroutine.

Both models have their pros and cons, but the main advantage of
asymmetric coroutines is that you can just say "suspend this thread"
without having to say *where* you want to switch to. Of course, you
can implement much the same API with symmetric coroutines as well, so
long as you can look up your parent coroutine easily. Ultimately, I
expect the symmetric vs asymmetric decision will be driven more by
implementation details than by philosophical preferences one way or
the other.

I will note that Ron's suggestion to leverage the existing eval loop
stack collection provided by the exception handling machinery does
heavily favour the asymmetric approach. Having a quick look to refresh
my memory of some of the details of CPython's exception handling, I've
come to the following tentative conclusions:

- an ordinary exception won't do, since you don't want to trigger
except and finally blocks in outer frames (ceval.c#2903)
- in CPython, a new "why = WHY_SUSPEND" at the eval loop layer is
likely a better approach, since it would allow the frame stack to be
collected without triggering exception handling
- the stack unwinding would then end when a "SETUP_COCALL" block was
encountered on the block stack (just as SETUP_EXCEPT and SETUP_FINALLY
can stop the stack unwinding following an exception
- with the block stacks within the individual frames preserved, the
collected stack should be in a fit state for later restoration
- the "fast_yield" code and the generator resumption code should also
provide useful insight

There's nothing too magical there - once we disclaim the ability to
suspend coroutines while inside a C function (even one that has called
back in via the C/Python API), it should boil down to a combination of
the existing mechanics for generators and exception handling. So, even
though the above description is (highly) CPython specific, it should
be feasible for other implementations to come up with something
similar (although perhaps not easy:


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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