[Python-ideas] use "as" for block scope support

海韵 lyricconch at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 02:24:45 CEST 2011

2011/7/26 Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info>:
> 海韵 wrote:
>> 1.
>> but what about ( t * s + t / s )? temp var always keep in memory.
>> (should not reduce ( t + s ) to ( 2 * x ) since x, y may not a number.
>> any operator here should be conside as  independent function. )
> What about it? The temporary variables will go out of scope when the
> function exists, and be garbage collected, the same as every other local
> variable.
>> 2. you got an extra lambda, that means:
>> In runtime:
>> lambda = MAKE_FUNCTION/MAKE_CLOSURE =  PyFunction_New
>> lambda call = CALL_FUNCTION =  PyFrame_New +  PyEval_EvalFrameEx
>> all of them are heavy, (you can check the source code)
>> but:
>> as = PyCell_New
>> as enter = SETUP_FINALLY = PyFrame_BlockSetup
>> as leave = END_FINALLY = PyFrame_BlockPop
>> which is much much much more more more cheaper than above.
> Sounds like premature optimization to me. I would like to see actual,
> real-world code where the performance bottleneck is setting up functions.
>> 3.
>> try convert this to the lambda form as mention:
>> R= lambda x, y: (x+y as t, x-y as s)(t * s as u, t/s as v)(u << v as
>> p, u>>v as q) p ** q
> I wouldn't even *try* to convert that to a lambda. That is ugly,
> unmaintainable code. To understand it, I had to first write it out in block
> form:
 A = (x + y as t, x - y as s)(t * s as u, t / s as v)(u << v as  p, u
>> v as q) p ** q
t, s = x+y, x-y
u, v = t*s, t/s
p, q = u<<v, u>>v
A =p**q
is it really ugly? why i feel pretty = =?

Stage: first time we read <1> <2>
<1> evaluation from left to right all the time.
add -> as -> sub -> as -> enter -> mul -> as -> div -> as -> enter ->
shl -> as -> shr -> as -> enter -> pow -> leaveall -> return
note that in most case there are no dupilcate NAMEs.
so enter can be igorn. just keep moving
temporary things cleanup by leaveall....
no need to care about context, no one can read them, and they affect nothing
<2> evaluation step by step and direction change every time
add -> sub <- assign \/ mul -> div <- assign \/ shl -> shr -> assign
\/ pow return
should take some mind of context. it's possible that somewhere read
the temporary var

Stage: not the first time
<1> calcing A; that is all, move next;
<2> calc t,s; calc u,v; calc p,q; calc A; move next; step1-3 is useless.

> def R(x, y):
>    with x+y as t, x-y as s:
>        with t*s as u, t/s as v:
>            with u << v as p, u >> v as q
>                return p**q
> which is much simpler to read and maintain when written like this:
> def R(x, y):
>    t, s = x+y, x-y
>    u, v = t*s, t/s
>    p, q = u << v, u >> v
>    return p**q
> I consider this proposal to encourage excess and unnecessary encapsulation
> of variables. Not every expression needs to be it's own block.
> --
> Steven
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