[Python-ideas] New imaplib implementation for Python 3.2+ standard library

Maxim Khitrov max at mxcrypt.com
Mon Jul 25 21:38:54 CEST 2011

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Michael Foord <fuzzyman at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 25 July 2011 02:06, Maxim Khitrov <max at mxcrypt.com> wrote:
>> Hello python-ideas,
>> My most recent project lead me down a path that eventually ended up at
>> a new implementation of imaplib based on [RFC-3501]. Although I
>> started the project by gradually adding functionality to the existing
>> IMAP4 library, some of the features that I required simply could not
>> be merged in (without breaking everything). As a result, I wrote my
>> own version of the library, which incorporates all existing
>> functionality of imaplib and includes many of my own improvements.
> There is an existing, well tested and widely used, replaced for imaplib that
> I would suggest should be the first for consideration in replacing imaplib:
> http://imapclient.freshfoo.com/
> (Sorry.)
> All the best,
> Michael Foord

I have it beat at the "Python 3 support is in the works" feature ;)
Mine doesn't handle 2.x though.

In any case, I would not have been able to use IMAPClient for my
project, because the requirements were for no dependencies outside of
Python 3.2.

Do you know if the developers of IMAPClient considered getting it into
the standard library? My goal wasn't just to have another IMAP
implementation, but something better available as part of Python.

- Max

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