[Python-ideas] Left division operator

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Sun Jul 17 18:27:30 CEST 2011

Sturla Molden wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone else has felt the need for a leftward division 
> operator in Python. That is, y\x in addition to x/y. Thus the operators:
>    y \ x
>    y \\ x

You have flipped the operator AND flipped the order of the operands, 
which makes it confusing to me. I find it easy to reason about this 
proposal if I stick to one change at a time.

I presume that x\y will be equivalent to y/x, or 1/(x/y) if x and y are 
numbers. Is there a standard mathematical infix operator for this?

Since x/y => x.__truediv__(y), then x\y => x.__rtruediv__(y).

Once only I have wanted something close to this. It wasn't terribly 
compelling: I ended up writing the obvious helper function:

def divide_by(x, y):
     return y/x

It did cross my mind at the time that it would be neat if this had \ as 
the operator, but I've met enough people who get their forward and back 
slashes mixed up that I wouldn't want to add to their confusion. So I 
would not support using \ as the operator for this.

> Why the statement "y\x" is different from "x/y":
> 1. Opposite order of evaluation: This is important if evaluating one of 
> the operands has side-effects.

This is ambiguous to me. Taken literally, you mean that the right-hand 
operatand (x) will be evaluated before the left-hand operand (y) (the 
opposite of normal for Python). Is that what you mean? I don't see any 
justification for that. Even the exponentiation operator evaluates terms 
from left-to-right although the operator binds more strongly to the right:

 >>> def f(x):
...     print(x)
...     return x
 >>> f(2) ** f(3) ** f(4)

As far as I know, right-to-left evaluation would be a major change to 

Or do you mean that the \ operator has the same order of evaluation as 
other operators, but instead of writing this:

tmp = denominator()  # Evaluate this first, because it has side-effects.
result = numerator()/tmp

you can write this:

result = denominator()\numerator()

I don't think this is important enough to justify a new operator. After 
all, can't we say the same thing for every other non-commutative operator?

y = subtrahend()  # Evaluate this first, because it has side-effects.
result = minuend() - tmp

Do we need to introduce new "reversed" operators for subtraction, 
exponentiation, left and right binary shift, matrix multiplication, even 
for addition? (Because a type can define __add__ and __radd__ 
separately, there is no guarantee that a+b is commutative.)

If not, why single out division?

> 2. In linear algebra, (Y**-1)*X is in general not equal to X*(Y**-1). 
> Matrix and vector algebra in fundamental to computer graphics and 
> scientific computing.
> 3. NumPy solves the lack of "\" operator by having a function  
> np.linalg.solve. But using it in matrix expressions has the effect of 
> mixing Pythonic infix operators with a Lisp-like prefix operator.

Is this supposed to be a problem that needs fixing?

> Two other issues:
> 1.  The expressions
>    y /= x
>    y //= x
> are evaluated in the same order as "y \ x", not "x / y".
> 2. The expressions
>    y \= x
>    y \\= x
>  should perhaps be illegal due to implied side-effects on RHS.

Surely y \= x would have the same meaning as all the other augmented 
assignments? It should be the same as

y = y\x

That is, if x and y are numbers, y \= x would be equivalent to

y = x/y

I don't see any reason to make that illegal.


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