[Python-ideas] fancy indexing

Bruce Leban bruce at leapyear.org
Tue Jul 20 21:17:18 CEST 2010

[changing the subject; was: 'where' statement in Python?]

I think this is an interesting idea (whether worth adding is a different
question). I think it would be confusing that
   a[x] = (y,z)
does something entirely different when x is 1 or (1,2). If python *were* to
add something like this, I think perhaps a different syntax should be

a[[x]] = y
y = a[[x]]

which call __setitems__ and __getitems__ respectively. This makes it clear
that something different is going on and eliminates the ambiguity for dicts.

--- Bruce

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Sturla Molden <sturla at molden.no> wrote:

> So I'd rather speak of something useful instead: NumPy's "Fancy indexing".
> "Fancy indexing" (NumPy jargon) will in this context mean that we allow
> indexes to be an iterable, not just integers:
>   mylist[(1,2,3)] ==  mylist[1,2,3]
>   mylist[iterable] == [a(i) for i in iterable]
> That is what NumPy and Matlab do, as well as Fortran 90 (and certain C++
> libraries such as Blitz++). It has all the power of the "where keyword",
> while being more flexible to use, and intention is more explicit. It is also
> well tested syntax.
> Thus with "fancy indexing":
>   alist[iterable] == [alist[i] for i in iterable]
> That is what we really need!
> Note that this is not a language syntax change, it is just a change of how
> __setitem__ and __getitem__ works for certain container types. NumPy already
> does this, so the syntax itself is completely valid Python. And as for
> "where", it is just a function.
> Andrey's proposed where keyword is a crippled tool in comparison. That is,
> the real power of a list of indexers is that it can be obtained and
> manipulated with any conceivable method, e.g. slicing. It also allows numpy
> to have an "argsort" function, since an index list can be reused on multiple
> arrays:
>   idx = np.argsort(array_a)
>   sorteda  = array_a[idx]
>   sortedb = array_b[idx]
> is the same as
>   tmp = sorted([a,i for i,a in enumerate(lista)])
>   sorteda = [a for a,i in tmp]
>   sortedb = [listb[i] for a,i in tmp]
> Which is the more readable?
> Implementing a generic "where function" can be achieved with a lambda:
>   idx = where(lambda x:  x== 47, alist)
> or a list comprehension (this would be very similar to NumPy):
>   idx = where([x==47 for x in alist])
> But to begin with, I think we should get NumPy style "fancy indexing" to
> standard container types like list, tuple, string, bytes, bytearray, array
> and deque. That would just be a handful of subclasses, and I think they
> should (initially) be put in a standard library module, and possibly replace
> the current cointainers in Python 4000.
> But as for a where keyword: My opinion is a big -1, if  I have the right to
> vote. We should rather implement a where function and overload the mentioned
> container types. The where function should go in the same module.
> So all in all, I am +1 for a "where module" and -1 for a "where keyword".
> P.S. I'll admit that dict and set might add to some confusion, since "fancy
> indexing" would be ambigous for them.
> Regards,
> Sturla
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