[Python-ideas] ML Style Pattern Matching for Python

Eike Welk eike.welk at gmx.net
Sat Dec 18 00:21:35 CET 2010

After learning a bit of Ocaml I started to like its pattern matching features. 
Since then I want to have a "match" statement in Python. I wonder if anybody 
else would like this too.

ML style pattern matching is syntactic sugar, that combines "if" statements 
with tuple unpacking, access to object attributes, and assignments. It is a 
compact, yet very readable syntax for algorithms, that would otherwise require 
nested "if" statements. It is especially useful for writing interpreters, and 
processing complex trees.

Instead of a specification in BNF, here is a function written with the 
proposed pattern matching syntax. It demonstrates the features that I find 
most important. The comments and the print statements explain what is done.  

Proposed Syntax

def foo(x):
    match x with
    | 1 ->                      # Equality
        print("x is equal to 1")
    | a:int ->                  # Type check
        print("x has type int: %s" % a)
    | (a, b) ->                 # Tuple unpacking
        print("x is a tuple with length 2: (%s, %s)" % (a, b))
    | {| a, b |} ->             # Attribute existence and access
        print("x is an object with attributes 'a' and 'b'.")
        print("a=%s, b=%s" % (a, b))

    # Additional condition
    | (a, b, c) with a > b ->
        print("x is a tuple with length 3: (%s, %s, %s)" % (a, b, c))
        print("The first element is greater than the second element.")

    # Complex case
    | {| c:int, d=1 |}:Foo ->
        print("x has type Foo")
        print("x is an object with attributes 'c' and 'd'.")
        print("'c' has type 'int', 'd' is equal to 1.")
        print("c=%s, d=%s" % (c, d))

    # Default case
    | _ ->
        print("x can be anything")

Equivalent Current Python

The first four cases could be handled more simply, but handling all cases in 
the same way leads IMHO to more simple code overall.

def foo(x):
    while True:
        # Equality
        if x == 1:
            print("x is equal to 1")

        # Type check
        if isinstance(x, int):
            a = x
            print("x is an integer: %s" % a)

        # Tuple unpacking
        if isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) == 2:
            a, b = x
            print("x is a tuple with length 2: (%s, %s)" % (a, b))

        # Attribute existence testing and access
        if hasattr(x, "a") and hasattr(x, "b"):
            a, b = x.a, x.b
            print("x is an object with attributes 'a' and 'b'.")
            print("a=%s, b=%s" % (a, b))

        # Additional condition
        if isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) == 3:
            a, b, c = x
            if a > b :
                print("x is a tuple with length 3: (%s, %s, %s)" % (a, b, c))
                print("The first element is greater than the second "

        # Complex case
        if isinstance(x, Foo) and hasattr(x, "c") and hasattr(x, "d"):
            c, d = x.c, x.d
            if isinstance(c, int) and d == 1:
                print("x has type Foo")
                print("x is an object with attributes 'c' and 'd'.")
                print("'c' has type 'int', 'd' is equal to 1.")
                print("c=%s, d=%s" % (c, d))

        # Default case
        print("x can be anything")

Additional Code to Run Function "foo"

class Bar(object):
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, c, d):
        self.c = c
        self.d = d
foo(1)          # Equality
foo(2)          # Type check
foo((1, 2))     # Tuple unpacking
foo(Bar(1, 2))  # Attribute existence testing and access
foo((2, 1, 3))  # Additional condition
foo(Foo(2, 1))  # Complex case
foo("hello")    # Default case

I left out dict and set, because I'm not sure how they should be handled. I 
think list should be handled like tuples. Probably there should be a universal 
matching syntax for all sequences, similarly to the already existing syntax:
    a, b, *c = s

I don't really like the "->" digraph at the end of each match case. A colon 
would be much more consistent, but I use colons already for type checking 

I generally think that Python should acquire more features from functional 
languages. In analogy to "RPython" it should ultimately lead to "MLPython", a 
subset of the Python language that can be type checked and reasoned about by 
external tools, similarly to what is possible with Ocaml.


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