[Python-ideas] Extend docstring construction

Zac Burns zac256 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 5 03:31:38 CET 2010


I would like to see python's doc-string creation extended to allow for %
style string substitution.

This allows for patterns that keep doc-strings up-to-date without certain
types of boilerplate maintenance. For instance:

Including additional information from the module:

class Colors(Enum):
RED = (255, 0, 0)

def acceptsColor(color):
color could be any:
""" % '\n\t'.join('Color.' + color for color in publicDir(Colors))

Including docs of other functions
def _localFunction():
"Keeping the docstring with the function that does the work, so it's more
likely to keep up to date"

def publicFunction():
"%s" % _localFunction.__doc__

Executing code to retrieve a doc-string is considered a security
vulnerability. (Right now only the abstract syntax tree is used to get

In theory this could be backwards incompatible with existing code... but
that code would have to be relying on the side effect of some string
substitution line without doing anything with the new string - yuck.


Zachary Burns
Aim - Zac256FL
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