[Python-ideas] __decorate__ method

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 09:35:49 CEST 2010

On 20 April 2010 03:37, Zac Burns <zac256 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to propose an extension to behavior the decorator syntax. For
> @decorator '@' should see if decorator supplies a __decorate__ method. If
> so, call the __decorate__ method. Otherwise, call decorator directly.
> Guido does say that __decorate__ should not replace __call__ here
> http://markmail.org/message/ig6diu6j55flxr6c, saying
> """
> Q: Is there a strong feeling (in any direction) about calling the
> decorator's "decorate" or "__decorate__" attribute, rather than its
> "__call__" attribute?
> A: It should be __call__; that's the only backwards compatible way, and
> makes it easy to create decorators as functions.
> """
> (Sidenote: Can someone explain what the backward incompatibility is?)

A key use case for decorators was to implement classmethods and
similar things, where the "old form" is to use f=classmethod(f) after
the definition.

class A:
    def f(cls):
    f = classmethod(f)


class A:
    def f(cls):

The backward compatibility requirement is that classmethod (and
similar user defined cases) don't have to change.

> There is one use case I have run into where I wanted to make a distinction
> between __call__ and __decorate__. It is a Null object, which is like None
> but supplies several interfaces. It's an empty collection, a context that
> does nothing, a callable that returns None, and should be a decorator that
> returns the original function - except that it's already a callable that
> returns None. This object is cool for doing stuff like:
> """
> with (blocking if block else Null):
>    doSomething()
> """
> Rather than
> """
> if block:
>    with blocking:
>       doSomething()
> else:
>    doSomething
> """
> And, it fits in several spots like "os.walk(x, onerror=Null)" for example.
> I'll admit, the use case here is fairly spurious. There may be use cases
> which are more 'real'. If not, C'est la vie.

I can't see why you'd ever want to use Null as a decorator - so I'm
unconvinced by your use case. In any case, even if there is a reason
for having a null decorator, it's not clear to me that it can't be a
different object from your Null object - there's no reason to have all
the functionality covered by one "kitchen sink" object.

So sorry, but I'd say this proposal isn't justified (I'd assume it's
probably disallowed under the moratorium anyway).


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