[Python-ideas] Allow lambda decorators

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Tue Feb 10 06:25:50 CET 2009

Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

> Cool! I'll be able to introduce a new scope at the drop of a hat with
> a new handy 'idiom':
> def foo(x):
>     a = x + 1
>     for new a in a**2,:
>         print a
>     print a

Before you get too carried away with that, I'd like
to make it clear that in my version of the semantics
of 'new', it *not* work that way -- 'a' would remain
bound to the last cell, and therefore the last value,
that it was given by the for-loop.

I considered that a feature of my proposal, i.e. it
preserves the ability to use the loop variable's value
after exiting the loop, which some people seem to like.


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