[Python-ideas] x=(yield from) confusion [was:Yet another alternative name for yield-from]

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sat Apr 11 06:22:28 CEST 2009

Jacob Holm wrote:

> I would like to split off a function for parsing a single element.  And 
> I would like it to look like this:
> def parse_elem():
>    opening_tag = yield
>    name = opening_tag[1:-1]
>    items = yield from parse_items("</%s>" % name)
>    return (name, items)

I don't see what you gain by writing it like that, though.
You don't even know whether you want to call this function
until you've seen the first token and realized that it's
a tag.

In other words, you need a one-token lookahead. A more
conventional parser would use a scanner that lets you
peek at the next token without absorbing it, but that's
not an option when you're receiving the tokens via
yield, so another solution must be found.

The solution I chose was to keep the lookahead token
as state in the parsing functions, and pass it to
wherever it's needed. Your parse_elem() function clearly
needs it, so it should take it as a parameter.

If there's some circumstance in which you know for
certain that there's an elem coming up, you can always
write another parsing function for dealing with that,

   def expect_elem():
     first = yield
     return yield from parse_elem(opening_tag = first)

I don't think there's anything inconvenient about that.

> A convention like Nick suggested where all coroutines take an
 > optional "start" argument with the first value to yield doesn't
 > help, because it is not the value to yield that is the problem.

I think you've confused the issue a bit yourself, because
you started out by asking for a way of specifing the first
value to yield in the yield-from expression. But it seems
that what you really want is to specify the first value
to *send* into the subiterator.

I haven't seen anything so far that convinces me it would
be a serious inconvenience not to have such a feature.

Also, it doesn't seem to generalize. What if your parser
needs a two-token lookahead? Then you'll be asking for a
way to specify the first *two* values to send in. Where
does it end?


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