[Python-ideas] if condition: break idiom

Arnaud Delobelle arnodel at googlemail.com
Sat Sep 20 22:26:43 CEST 2008

On 20 Sep 2008, at 20:44, Josiah Carlson wrote:

>> On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Arnaud Delobelle
>>> [...] I think that this would look better:
>>> while True:
>>>   do something
>>>   break if condition
>>>   do something else
>> It gets worse ;)
>  break if condition
> Also implies...
>  continue if condition

That's true, why not?  I don't use use continue so much but it seems  

> Never mind
>  break if condition else continue
>  continue if condition else break

No that would be silly.

> Because who would want to write...
>  break if condition
>  continue
> or
>  continue if condition
>  break

The problem is: when would you need to do this?  I pointed out in my  
original post that almost half of uses of 'break' in the py3k python  
source come immediately after an 'if'.  Now I have never used or seen  

     if condition:

What would be the point of spelling it 'break if condition else  
continue'?  It would even defeat the idea behind my suggestion, which  
is to make the structure of a loop more obvious when you scan code:  
you can spot the 'break if' (and 'continue if'!) statements just by  
scanning the left hand side of the loop body.

> But if we can break or continue, why not others?  What's wrong with a
> raise (especially if we surround everything with parens...)?
>  (raise Exception("X")) if condition
> Never mind assert, yield, throw, return, ...  I hope this horse is  
> dead now.

You have implied one reason why not: raise, assert, yield, throw,  
return all take an argument which can be an if-expression, so this  
would make those statements difficult to parse if you are human (and I  
suspect impossible if you are the Python parser).

The fact that neither break nor continue take arguments makes them  
very 'poor' in the amount of meaning they convey.  That's why a lot of  
people feel like writing the following in one single line.

     if condition: break

Moreover, because we don't have a 'do .. while' construct, 'break' is  
more important than in other languages to shape loops (especially  
while loops), so I thought it would be useful to make it easier to  
spot.  The same argument can be made about 'continue' of course.

> - Josiah


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