[Python-ideas] A Wiki-style documentation with an approval process

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sat Nov 22 21:30:20 CET 2008

Patrick Atambo wrote:
> I believe that a commenting system could be very helpful.
> I have done some PHP coding and in my early years the chm that includes 
> the comments was of great value to me since I never had an Internet 
> connection at home so I would just download the document from a cyber 
> cafe and hack away.
> In the case of Python, where I still don't have a lot of experience, the 
> fact that I must always be online to find possible solutions to a 
> problem can be quite a drag,

The Windows installer installs a .chm version of the docs with a nice 
TOC and module index.  It seems to have everything the .html version has 
except the general index.  (I presume that because Help does not have 
within doc anchors).  If you could use PHP .chm, cannot you use Python 
.chm also?

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