[Python-ideas] Add kwargs to built-in function object

Brandon Mintern bmintern at gmail.com
Thu May 22 22:01:49 CEST 2008

A lot to address here.

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Calvin Spealman
<ironfroggy at socialserve.com> wrote:
> Start using those and suddenly you are going to have lots of little
> anonymous objects around and you'll start to want to add functionality to
> them and otherwise enforce things about them. Now you have a higher barrier
> than when you would have been creating it from scratch.

That wasn't my intended use case, though. I wouldn't be using an
anonymous object in more than one place to create the same type of
object. In that case, actually defining a class or using NamedTuple
(or some equivalent) clearly wins out. This would be a similar
situation to that of lambda. You would not use lambda in several
different places to define the same function; as soon as you start to
write it a second time, you'd be much better to def the function and
use it in both places.

My main use case is in packing related information together for
convenience and readability when passing it around to several
different functions. In other words, the exact case where someone
might be tempted to use a tuple (in spite of poor readability later)
or a dict (in spite of a cumbersome access pattern). If you're using
it for a case like this and you later decide that you should expand
the anonymous object to a full-blown class, you would only have to
change it in one place. Moreover, it would be much easier than
changing a tuple or dict to a class. In the anonymous object
situation, you only have to change the one instantiation; as long as
you create a class with the same field names, your other accesses are
still valid. In the tuple or dict cases, however, you have to change
the code everywhere that you are using the object. Thus, I feel that
having an anonymous object available actually lowers the barrier to
making smart changes to the code.

> and remember, object is not a function. It is a type. It is the base type of
> all types and so this has implications beyond what you suggest it for. If
> object(a=10).a == 10, then when custom classes' __init__ methods upcall,
> they'll start to fall back on letting kwargs fall up to object.__init__ to
> set initialization attributes. Now we gain this rule of thumb that keyword
> arguments are probably going to end up as attributes, because if we don't
> 'catch' them and they reach object.__init__, they will be. This isn't a
> behavior the language should encourage, because it should be left up to the
> developer. Currently, object.__init__ specifically takes any arguments and
> does nothing with any of them. This is to allow upcall in your __init__
> gracefully, because if the upclass is one of your bases or the final base,
> object, you can still pass your parameters along safely. Implying some
> behavior when it reaches object.__init__, especially (in most cases) after
> you've initialized your object, would probably just trounce all over your
> object and piss you off.

This is a very good argument for why object() should not be used for
this purpose; you have completely changed my mind. I still think there
would be value in having a built-in function for declaring such
objects. Perhaps a function (constructor) named struct(**kwargs) would
be appropriate?

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 8:22 AM, Aahz <aahz at pythoncraft.com> wrote:
> Enh.  It's easy enough to write
>    class Obj:
>        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
>            self.__dict__.update(kwargs)

Yes, it is easy enough, once you have worked with Python a lot.
Personally, I didn't know much at all about __dict__ or **kwargs when
I first started, and looking back at my old code now, there are
several places where I have used tuples or dicts and the code is hard
to manage. Having a struct type to hold related information which does
not justify a full class would have been very nice.

> It's not clear to me that your functionality is desired frequently enough
> *in that specific form* to warrant changing object().  Note particularly
> the emphasis; over the years, I've seen various small variations in how
> people want kwargs processed and it's not at all clear to me that
> codifying one specific form into the language would be helpful.
> No thanks.

This is another good argument for why object() should not be used for
this purpose. I still think that adding a new type "struct" would have
several benefits.

Others wrote:
> NamedList, NamedDict, NamedTuple...

I agree that these are very useful functions to have when what you
really want to do is just subclass the indicated type. For the use
case I have in mind, however, they have much more functionality (and
take up more space?) than necessary, and specifically having to decide
on and declare a name that will never be used constitutes wasted

I will be sending out a new reply with my updated proposal, using the
name "struct" instead of multi-purposing object, as that is clearly a
bad idea.

Thanks for all the constructive criticism and feedback,

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