[Python-ideas] Fast global cacheless lookup

Neil Toronto ntoronto at cs.byu.edu
Thu Nov 22 18:16:17 CET 2007

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [Quick] The best way to post a patch is to put it in the bug tracker
> at bugs.python.org, and post a link to the issue here. The best way to
> create a patch is svn diff, assuming you started out with an anonymous
> svn checkout (see python.org/dev/) and not just with a distro
> download.

Figures. I couldn't get it through svn because my university has a 
transparent proxy that doesn't like REPORT requests. Is there any chance 
of getting https enabled at svn.python.org sometime so I don't have to 
stick to snapshots?

Anyway, I'll get to this sometime after I get to bed.

> Looking forward to it!

Yes sir! :)


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