[Python-ideas] Improving Pydoc

Ron Adam rrr at ronadam.com
Sat Dec 23 00:06:01 CET 2006

Brett Cannon wrote:

> I do like your idea of splitting the screen pager and the HTML aspect,
> Ron.  And yes, pydoc needs a cleanup.

The screen pager is not dependent on any other parts.  So it would make an ideal 
module on it's own, or it could be a part of console io device object.

The html server is very much cleaned up.  It is a nice example of how to write a 
html server and can stand on it's own as an example module I think.

>> In this case, there is still a lot more this needs before it's ready I 
>> think.  A
>> PEP?  A fully (or mostly) working patch?  But maybe if others take an 
>> interest
>> here, it won't be here long. ;-)
> I don't view code cleanup as something for this list.  I view stuff
> like "I want to hash out an idea on abstract base classes" and the
> ilk.  Code reorganization, etc. that are more software engineering and
> completely new idea should still go to python-dev or python-3000.
> Basically stuff where people might throw a fit over the idea should
> probably come here until it is a solid idea.  =)
> So I agree with Thomas; this should go to python-dev.

It's still pretty raw in some places, but maybe that's ok.

I'll post and introduction and the link in python-dev, I also think I uncovered 
a bug in the browser module, so maybe they can look at that too.

It will be interesting to see what will be discussed here, I have some farther 
out "fit-throwing" ideas as well.  ;-)


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