[Python-ideas] Improving Pydoc

Thomas Heller theller at ctypes.org
Fri Dec 22 12:01:46 CET 2006

Ron Adam schrieb:
> Improving pydoc has been suggested before by me and others.  I've been working 
> on a version that is probably 80% done and would like to get feed back at this 
> point to determine if I'm approaching this in the best way.
> Basically pydoc.py consists of over 2,000 lines of python code and is not well 
> organized inside which means (my thoughts) it will pretty much stay the way it 
> is and not be as useful as it could be.
> Currently pydoc.py has the following uses.
>      * It is imported and used as pythons console help function.
>      * It can be used to generate help text files.
>      * It can open a tkinter search index and from that launch a web server and 
> a browser to veiw a html help page.
>      * It can be used to generate static html help files.
> It looks (to me) like splitting it into two modules would be good.  One module 
> for just the text help and introspection functions, and the other for the html 
> server and html output stuff.

Yes, I remember several cases where I had to copy code out of pydoc.py because I wanted
to reuse it and could not because pydoc pulls in too much stuff (I care about this when
freezing my programs with py2exe).
Is splitting pydoc into 2 modules sufficient, or should it even be split into an own package?

Although I do not believe that this is on-topic for *this* list; I would prefer
such changes to go into Python 2.6 already.


BTW:  It seems this list is not yet available on gmane.  Is this correct?

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