[Python-es] Ofertas de trabajo en kernel analytics para Madrid y Barcelona

Kiko kikocorreoso en gmail.com
Vie Mayo 6 13:12:18 EDT 2016

Hola a todos. Hace unos días llegó este correo (ver abajo) a la lista del
meetup de python madrid. Os la dejo por si es de interés para alguien.




Compañeros pythonistas,

Kernel Analytics <http://www.kernel-analytics.com/> tiene algunas ofertas
que pueden ser de vuestro interés:


Kernel Analytics is a consultancy firm specialized in applying advanced
analytics to marketing and operations. We turn data into actionable
detailed business recommendations that automate and optimize

Our consultants apply a mix of analytics, business knowledge and technology
to define and deliver the best solution in terms of precision and
performance. Our cross-industry experience has created a wide portfolio of
services and solutions to complex business problems. We hire and retain the
best talent in data science, as it is the key source for continuous

Last but not least, we are passionate about our work and are happy to run
the extra mile to deliver the best results for our clients.

We're looking for several positions:
- Team Lead <http://www.kernel-analytics.com/en/careers#op-114629-team-lead>:
(Up to 45k)
- Data Engineer
<http://www.kernel-analytics.com/en/careers#op-83288-data-engineer>: (25 -
- Junior Analyst
<http://www.kernel-analytics.com/en/careers#op-50325-junior-analyst>: (23 -
- Senior Analyst
<http://www.kernel-analytics.com/en/careers#op-50324-senior-analyst> (30 -


Si estáis interesados en alguna de las posiciones anteriores podéis aplicar
directamente en la página correspondiente.

Un saludo!
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