[Python-es] Fwd: [ANN] Summer School "Advanced Scientific Programming in Python" in Zürich, Switzerland

Juan Luis Cano juanlu001 en gmail.com
Jue Ene 31 12:12:59 CET 2013

On 01/31/2013 12:01 PM, Daπid wrote:
> El año pasado estuve yo, y fue bastante interesante. Científicos que
> haya por aquí, consideradlo.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Tiziano Zito <opossumnano en gmail.com>
> Date: 31 January 2013 11:56
> Subject: [Numpy-discussion] [ANN] Summer School "Advanced Scientific
> Programming in Python" in Zürich, Switzerland
> To: numpy-discussion en scipy.org
> Advanced Scientific Programming in Python
> =========================================
> a Summer School by the G-Node and the Physik-Institut, University of Zurich
> Scientists spend more and more time writing, maintaining, and
> debugging software. While techniques for doing this efficiently have
> evolved, only few scientists actually use them. As a result, instead
> of doing their research, they spend far too much time writing
> deficient code and reinventing the wheel. In this course we will
> present a selection of advanced programming techniques,
> incorporating theoretical lectures and practical exercises tailored
> to the needs of a programming scientist. New skills will be tested
> in a real programming project: we will team up to develop an
> entertaining scientific computer game.
> We use the Python programming language for the entire course. Python
> works as a simple programming language for beginners, but more
> importantly, it also works great in scientific simulations and data
> analysis. We show how clean language design, ease of extensibility,
> and the great wealth of open source libraries for scientific
> computing and data visualization are driving Python to become a
> standard tool for the programming scientist.
> This school is targeted at Master or PhD students and Post-docs from
> all areas of science. Competence in Python or in another language
> such as Java, C/C++, MATLAB, or Mathematica is absolutely required.
> Basic knowledge of Python is assumed. Participants without any prior
> experience with Python should work through the proposed introductory
> materials before the course.
> Date and Location
> =================
> September 1—6, 2013. Zürich, Switzerlandi.
> Preliminary Program
> ===================
> Day 0 (Sun Sept 1) — Best Programming Practices
>    - Best Practices, Development Methodologies and the Zen of Python
>    - Version control with git
>    - Object-oriented programming & design patterns
> Day 1 (Mon Sept 2) — Software Carpentry
>    - Test-driven development, unit testing & quality assurance
>    - Debugging, profiling and benchmarking techniques
>    - Best practices in data visualization
>    - Programming in teams
> Day 2 (Tue Sept 3) — Scientific Tools for Python
>    - Advanced NumPy
>    - The Quest for Speed (intro): Interfacing to C with Cython
>    - Advanced Python I: idioms, useful built-in data structures, generators
> Day 3 (Wed Sept 4) — The Quest for Speed
>    - Writing parallel applications in Python
>    - Programming project
> Day 4 (Thu Sept 5) — Efficient Memory Management
>    - When parallelization does not help:
> the starving CPUs problem
>    - Advanced Python II: decorators and context managers
>    - Programming project
> Day 5 (Fri Sept 6) — Practical Software Development
>    - Programming project
>    - The Pelita Tournament
> Every evening we will have the tutors' consultation hour : Tutors will
> answer your questions and give suggestions for your own projects.
> Applications
> ============
> You can apply on-line at http://python.g-node.org
> Applications must be submitted before 23:59 CEST, May 1, 2013.
> Notifications of acceptance will be sent by June 1, 2013.
> No fee is charged but participants should take care of travel,
> living, and accommodation expenses.  Candidates will be selected on
> the basis of their profile. Places are limited: acceptance rate is
> usually around 20%.  Prerequisites: You are supposed to know the
> basics of Python to participate in the lectures. You are encouraged
> to go through the introductory material available on the website.
> Faculty
> =======
>    - Francesc Alted, Continuum Analytics Inc., USA
>    - Pietro Berkes, Enthought Inc., UK
>    - Valentin Haenel, freelance developer and consultant, Berlin, Germany
>    - Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek, Krasnow Institute,
>      George Mason University, USA
>    - Eilif Muller, Blue Brain Project, École Polytechnique Fédérale de
>      Lausanne, Switzerland
>    - Emanuele Olivetti, NeuroInformatics Laboratory, Fondazione Bruno
>      Kessler and University of Trento, Italy
>    - Rike-Benjamin Schuppner, Technologit GbR, Germany
>    - Bartosz Teleńczuk, Unité de Neurosciences Information et Complexité,
>      CNRS, France
>    - Stéfan van der Walt, Applied Mathematics, Stellenbosch University,
>      South Africa
>    - Bastian Venthur, Berlin Institute of Technology and Bernstein Focus
>      Neurotechnology, Germany
>    - Niko Wilbert, TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Germany
>    - Tiziano Zito, Institute for Theoretical Biology, Humboldt-Universität
>      zu Berlin, Germany
> Organized by Nicola Chiapolini and colleagues of the Physik-Institut,
> University of Zurich, and by Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek and Tiziano Zito for
> the German Neuroinformatics Node of the INCF.
> Website:  http://python.g-node.org
> Contact:  python-info en g-node.org
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Lo acabo de leer en NumPy-Discussion y me parece interesantísimo la 
verdad. E, inexplicablemente, las fechas me vienen bien. Estoy pensándolo.

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