Stopping threads with pending input

Kyle Davis kiledavis en
Mar Ene 3 03:16:22 CET 2006

Hello, I'm new to this mailing list and I'm new using python. I have some 
acknowledge on C/C++, Java and other languages. I find python very simple 
and very fast to produce working code. But I've found a problem I cannot 
behave with it.

I have a class for threading, whose task is to read from sys.stdin and send 
it by socket. All goes well during program execution. The problem comes 
later, when the program should finish, it keeps running because that thread 
is still running. Code is as follows:

class inputReader(Thread):
     def __init__(self, sock):
          self.sock = sock
          self.EOF = 0
          self.buffer = ""
          self.die = 0
     def run(self):
          while not self.die:
                  buff =    #Heres the line keeping the 
thread alive, (I think)
                  if not buff:
                  EOF = 1
          self.EOF = 1
     def stop(self):
          self.die = 1

I think the thread won't finish because it's waiting stdin for bytes to 

My question is, how can I kill the thread or something to stopping the 

Thanks in advance! 

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