PIDA IDE Para python

cut0ff aciddized en
Jue Sep 1 22:07:25 CEST 2005

En/na Bismark Castilla ha escrit:

>esos paketes no se dejan instalar:
>apt-get install python2.4-gtk2 python2.4-profiler
>Reading Package Lists... Done
>Building Dependency Tree... Done
>Package python2.4-gtk2 is not available, but is referred to by another 
>This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
>is only available from another source
>E: Package python2.4-gtk2 has no installation candidate
>por que sera?? alguna idea?
>On 9/1/05, Fernando San Martín Woerner <snmartin en> wrote:
>>Falta el paquete de python-gtk2, puedes instalarlo vía apt-get
>>apt-get install python2.4-gtk2 python2.4-profiler
>>entre otras cosas que necesitaras va:
>>El jue, 01-09-2005 a las 10:36 -0400, Bismark Castilla escribió:
>>>Fernando empecemos por aqui, uso debian Etch
>>>Nodo:/home/iloveyou/MyDownloads# dpkg -i python2.4-pida_0.2.2_i386.deb
>>>(Reading database ... 51429 files and directories currently installed.)
>>>Preparing to replace python2.4-pida 0.2.2 (using
>>>python2.4-pida_0.2.2_i386.deb) ...
>>>Unpacking replacement python2.4-pida ...
>>>dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of python2.4-pida:
>>>python2.4-pida depends on python2.4-gtk2; however:
>>>Package python2.4-gtk2 is not installed.
>>>python2.4-pida depends on python2.4-profiler; however:
>>>Package python2.4-profiler is not installed.
>>>dpkg: error processing python2.4-pida (--install):
>>>dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
>>>Errors were encountered while processing:
>>>Nodo:/home/iloveyou/MyDownloads# dpkg -i python2.4-gtk2
>>>dpkg: error processing python2.4-gtk2 (--install):
>>>cannot access archive: No such file or directory
>>>Errors were encountered while processing:
>>Fernando San Martín Woerner
>>Jefe de Informática
>>Galilea S.A.
>>Python-es mailing list
>>Python-es en
cutoff en this[22:05:15]:~$ sudo aptitude show python2.4-gtk2
Paquete: python2.4-gtk2
Estado: instalado
Instalado automáticamente: no
Versión: 2.6.1-0ubuntu2
Prioridad: opcional
Sección: python
Desarrollador: Sebastien Bacher <seb128 en>
Tamaño sin comprimir: 2138k
Depende de: libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.9.0), libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libglib2.0-0 (>=
            2.6.0), libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.6.0), libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.8.1),
            python2.4, python2.4-numeric
Tiene conflictos con: python-gdk-imlib, python-glade, python-gnome, 
Remplaza: python-gtk-1.2
Descripción: Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set
 This archive contains modules that allow you to use GTK+ in Python 
 This package contains the bindings for the new version 2.0 of that toolkit.

 Author:   James Henstridge <james en>

Que repositorios utilizas??

   .~.    Robert C. Rodriguez
   /V\    aciddized en
  // \\
 /(   )\  JID cut0ff en
  ^`~´^   linux registered user #371167

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