Chema en Daily Python-URL

luis miguel morillas morillas en
Mie Jun 18 00:04:41 CEST 2003

	Asunto: [Python-es] Chema en Daily Python-URL
	Fecha: mar, jun 17, 2003 at 10:23:40 +0200

Citando a  Marcos Sánchez Provencio (rapto en
> Miren en 2003-06-16
> Chema Cortes: Checking for a keypress without stopping execution [This
> recipe allows you to check for a keypress under Unix without stopping
> execution, using the 'select' module to test if stdin is ready.] 

Qué guay. Y encima salimos los primeros en la lista de países representados
en el europython
Francesc, te tienen miedo!! ;)


I say NO to WAR. Not with my silence. Not with my blessing. Say NO now.

Luis Miguel

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