[Python-Dev] Adding test.support.safe_rmpath()

Joni Orponen j.orponen at 4teamwork.ch
Thu Feb 14 10:39:30 EST 2019

On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 10:49 AM Ronald Oussoren via Python-Dev <
python-dev at python.org> wrote:

> I usually use shutil.rmtree for tests that need to create temporary files,
> and create a temporary directory for those files (that is, use
> tempfile.mkdtemp in setUp() and use shutil.rmtree in tearDown()). That way
> I don’t have to adjust house-keeping code when I make changes to test code.

As tempfile provides context managers, should these be used internally for
something like this? Provide a decorator which passes in the temp file /

Joni Orponen
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