[Python-Dev] Python Language Governance Proposals

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Fri Oct 26 13:17:22 EDT 2018

On Tue, 23 Oct 2018 at 13:20, Jeroen Demeyer <J.Demeyer at ugent.be> wrote:

> What is the timeframe for the installation of the new governance? In
> other words, when will it be possible to review PEPs?

PEP 8001 outlines the voting for the governance models which includes a
planned schedule for that vote. After that it will vary depending on which
governance model is chosen as some of them require electing people to
positions while others don't. The overall goal is to have the whole ting
resolved no later than probably March (but probably sooner than that).
Basically this should not be a new thing come PyCon US in May.

But since you're asking about wanting to "review PEPs", you can review them
now. There hasn't been much change to them lately so they are pretty stable
at this point.
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