[Python-Dev] bpo-34532 status

Steve Dower steve.dower at python.org
Tue Nov 20 16:29:50 EST 2018

It's merged now. Sorry for not seeing the update (I get far too many 
github notifications/emails to be able to pay attention to them - 
pinging on the issue tracker generally works best).


On 20Nov2018 1002, Brett Cannon wrote:
> To provide context, https://bugs.python.org/issue34532 is about making 
> the Python launcher on Windows not return an error condition when using 
> `py -0` (and probably `py --list` and `py --list-paths`).
> On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 at 08:29, Brendan Gerrity <bgerrity at ucdavis.edu 
> <mailto:bgerrity at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
>     Just wanted to check on bpo-34532/pr#9039. The requested changes
>     were submitted as a commit to the PR.
>     Best,
>     Brendan

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