[Python-Dev] General concerns about C API changes

Victor Stinner vstinner at redhat.com
Wed Nov 14 06:47:33 EST 2018

> First, I attempted for "force inlining" (ex:
> __attribute__((always_inline)) for GCC/Clang), but it has been decided
> to not do that. Please read the discussion on the issue for the
> rationale.
> https://bugs.python.org/issue35059

It has been decided to use "static inline" syntax since it's the one
required by the PEP 7, but I'm open to switch to "inline" (without
static) or something else. Honestly, I don't understand exactly all
consequences of the exact syntax, so I relied on other core devs who
understand C99 that better than me :-)

Join the discussion on the issue ;-)


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