[Python-Dev] Slow down...

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Mon May 7 12:32:48 EDT 2018

On Mon, 7 May 2018 at 08:18 João Santos <jmcs at jsantos.eu> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to see this go even further and have a tick-tock approach to
> python versions, i.e. adopt new syntax and other large changes on one
> version (for example odd versions) and polish everything up in the next
> (even versions).

That's basically an LTS release cycle and discussions of changing how we do
releases is a massive discussion that ultimately goes nowhere, so I would
advise we stick to the discussion on a moratorium before trying to change
how we release Python. :)


> Best regards,
> João Santos
> On Mon, 7 May 2018 at 11:19 Ivan Levkivskyi <levkivskyi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 7 May 2018 at 03:25, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 7 May 2018 at 11:30, Dan Stromberg <drsalists at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I'd very much like a live in a world where Jython and IronPython and
>>>> MicroPython and Cython and Pyjamas can all catch up and implement
>>>> Python 3.7, 3.8, and so forth.
>>> I'm inclined to agree that a Python 3.8 PEP in the spirit of the PEP
>>> 3003 language moratorium could be a very good idea. Between matrix
>>> multiplication, enhanced tuple unpacking, native coroutines, f-strings, and
>>> type hinting for variable assignments, we've had quite a bit of syntactic
>>> churn in the past few releases, and the rest of the ecosystem really hasn't
>>> caught up on it all yet (and that's not just other implementations - it's
>>> training material, online courses, etc, etc).
>>> If we're going to take such a step, now's also the time to do it, since
>>> 3.8 feature development is only just getting under way, and if we did
>>> decide to repeat the language moratorium, we could co-announce it with the
>>> Python 3.7 release.
>> These are all god points. I think it will be a good idea to take a little
>> pause with syntactic additions and other "cognitively loaded" changes. On
>> the other hand, I think it is fine to work on performance improvements
>> (start-up time, import system etc.), internal APIs (like simplifying
>> start-up sequence and maybe even C API), and polishing corner
>> cases/simplifying existing constructs (like scoping in comprehensions that
>> many people find confusing).
>> IOW, I think the PEP should describe precisely what is OK, and what is
>> not OK during the moratorium.
>> --
>> Ivan
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