[Python-Dev] GH-NNNN vs #NNNN in merge commit

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Thu Jan 25 17:09:30 EST 2018

2018-01-25 22:46 GMT+01:00 Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>:
> Why not just auto merge if the PR is approved, CI is all green, and no additional commits have been pushed?

Merging a PR and approving it should be two different actions.
Sometimes, you prefer to wait for 2 approvals before merging.
Sometimes, you want to wait until another change is merged. There are
many cases.

On Gerrit (ex: review.openstack.org), votes and workflow are two
different fields.

Vote: -2, -1, 0, +1, +2. -2 and +2 votes are reserved to core
reviewers. Voting +2 means approving a change.
Workflow: -1, 0, +1. -1 means that the change is a work-in-progress.
+1 asks to merge the change, once tests pass.


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