[Python-Dev] GH-NNNN vs #NNNN in merge commit

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Thu Jan 25 13:40:41 EST 2018

On Thu, 25 Jan 2018 at 10:14 Zachary Ware <zachary.ware+pydev at gmail.com>

> On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 12:03 PM, Mariatta Wijaya
> <mariatta.wijaya at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Of course, we would still need to convince people to install it :)
> >
> >
> > Right, that's the challenge :)
> > I personally use Chrome (!) and I've been using your Chrome extension, so
> > thank you!
> > However, I don't feel comfortable making this available only for a
> specific
> > browser user, feels exclusionary to me.

I personally use Firefox, so browser-specific, while better than nothing,
won't cover all cases.

> > Also, sometimes I merge from my phone where there's no chrome extension,
> > (maybe I really shouldn't be doing that?).
> A large part of Brett's push for moving to a PR workflow was to be
> able to merge patches from a tablet on the beach, so I see no reason
> not to merge from a phone if you can :)

There is https://github.com/python/bedevere/issues/14 which is tracking the
idea of leaving a follow-up comment if a commit occurs w/o changing the
`#-` prefix to `GH-`

We definitely don't want to leave `#-` prefixes because those are ambiguous
and Python will outlast GitHub and thus what `#-` means would have to
represent GitHub forever. So either we namespace the PR numbers w/ `GH-`
which GitHub will still automatically link to, or we drop them entirely and
rely on the issue number being the point of reference entirely. Those are
the two options I see for us going forward.

> > I think the solution should be something not webbrowser specific.
> >
> > One idea is maybe have a bot to do the squash commit, for example by
> > commenting on GitHub:
> > @merge-bot merge <commit title> <commit message>
> >
> > So core devs can do the above instead of pressing the commit button. Any
> > thoughts on this?
> >
> > In the meantime, committers, please try to remember and change the # into
> > GH- :)
> +1 to everything here.

I'm fine with a bot handling the merge if people in general are okay with
the idea and someone is up for coding it up.
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