[Python-Dev] Help requested with Python 2.7 performance regression

Louis Bouchard louis.bouchard at canonical.com
Wed Mar 1 14:24:03 EST 2017


Le 01/03/2017 à 18:51, Antoine Pitrou a écrit :
> On Wed, 1 Mar 2017 12:28:24 -0500
> Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:
>> Louis (Cc'd here) has done a ton of work to measure and analyze the problem,
>> but we've more or less hit a roadblock, so we're taking the issue public to
>> see if anybody on this mailing list has further ideas.  A detailed analysis is
>> available in this Google doc:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zrV3OIRSo99fd2Ty4YdGk_scmTRDmVauBprKL8eij6w/edit
>> The document should be public for comments and editing.
> I may be misunderstanding the document, but this lacks at least a
> comparison of the *same* interpreter version with different compiler
> versions.
> As for the high level: what if the training set used for PGO in Xenial
> has become skewed or inadequate?  Just a thought, as it would imply
> that PGO+LTO uses wrong information for code placement and other
> optimizations.
> Regards
> Antoine.

Indeed, this is something that is in the history of the LP bug so here is the
URL where those comparison can be found :


Hope it can help,

Kind regards,


Louis Bouchard
Software engineer, Cloud & Sustaining eng.
Canonical Ltd
Ubuntu developer                       Debian Maintainer
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