[Python-Dev] startup time repeated? why not daemon

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Jul 21 18:28:04 EDT 2017

On Jul 20, 2017, at 03:16 PM, Eric Snow wrote:

>Relatedly, at PyCon this year Barry and I were talking about the idea of
>bootstrapping the interpreter from a memory snapshot on disk, rather than
>from scatch (thus drastically reducing the number of IO events).

The TPI (Terrible Python Idea) I had at Pycon was some kind of (local)
memcached of imported Python modules, which would theoretically allow avoiding
loading the modules from the file system on start up.

There would be all kinds of problems with this (i.e. putting the "terrible" in
TPI), such as having to deal with module import side-effects, but perhaps
those could be handled by enough APIs and engineering.

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