[Python-Dev] re performance

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sat Jan 28 12:07:05 EST 2017

On Jan 28, 2017, at 03:43 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>I still think it could be a good candidate for a first "bundled"
>module, where we don't migrate it fully into the CPython development
>process, but *do* officially bless it and provide it by default in the
>form of a bundled wheel file (similar to what we do with pip).

How would that work exactly.  I.e. is there a PEP?

While I think it could be a good idea to bundle (more?) third party packages
for a variety of reasons, I want to make sure it's done in a way that's still
friendly to downstream repackagers, as I'm sure you do to. :)

For Debian/Ubuntu, we already have some additional machinations to make
ensurepip and such work properly in a distro packaging environment.  We'd want
to be able to do the same for any bundled packages as well.


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