[Python-Dev] Investigating Python memory footprint of one real Web application

INADA Naoki songofacandy at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 07:42:05 EST 2017

On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 8:17 PM, Victor Stinner
<victor.stinner at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2017-01-20 11:49 GMT+01:00 INADA Naoki <songofacandy at gmail.com>:
>> Report is here
>> https://gist.github.com/methane/ce723adb9a4d32d32dc7525b738d3c31
> Very interesting report, thanks!
>> My thoughts are:
>> * Interning (None,) seems worth enough.
> I guess that (None,) comes from constants of code objects:
>>>> def f(): pass
> ...
>>>> f.__code__.co_consts
> (None,)
>> * There are many empty dicts.  Allocating ma_keys lazily may reduce
>> memory usage.
> Would you be able to estimate how many bytes would be saved by this
> change? With the total memory usage to have an idea of the %.

Smallest dictkeysobject is 5*8 + 8 + (8 * 3 * 5) = 168 bytes.
1600 empty dicts = 268800 bytes.

Unlike tuples bound to code objects, I don't think this is so important
for cache hit rate.  So tuple is more important than dict.

> By the way, it would help if you can add the total memory usage
> computed by tracemalloc (get_traced_memory()[0]) in your report.

Oh, nice to know it.  I'll use it next time.

> About empty dict, do you expect that they come from shared keys?
> Anyway, if it has a negligible impact on the performance, go for it
> :-)
>> but other namespaces or annotations, like ('return',) or ('__wrapped__',) are not shared
> Maybe we can intern all tuple which only contains one string?

Ah, it's dict's key.  I used print(tuple(d.keys())) to count dicts.

> Instead of interning, would it be possible to at least merge
> duplicated immutable objects?

I meant sharing same object, I didn't meant using dict or adding bit
for interning like
interned strings.  So I think we have same idea.

>> * Most large strings are docstring.  Is it worth enough that option
>> for trim docstrings, without disabling asserts?
> Yeah, you are not the first one to propose. The problem is to decide
> how to name the .pyc file.
> My PEP 511 proposes to add a new -O command line option and a new
> sys.implementation.optim_tag string to support this feature:
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0511/
> Since the code transformer part of the PEP seems to be controversal,
> maybe we should extract only these two changes from the PEP and
> implement them? I also want -O noopt :-) (disable the peephole
> optimizer)
> Victor

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