[Python-Dev] PEP 550 v3

Koos Zevenhoven k7hoven at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 17:14:46 EDT 2017

On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 5:12 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 21 August 2017 at 15:03, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> > Honestly I'm not sure we need the distinction between LC and EC. If you
> read
> > carefully some of the given example code seems to confuse them. If we
> could
> > get away with only a single framework-facing concept, I would be happy
> > calling it ExecutionContext.
> Unfortunately, I don't think we can, and that's why I tried to reframe
> the discussion in terms of "Where ContextKey.set() writes to" and
> "Where ContextKey.get() looks things up".
> Consider the following toy generator:
>     def tracking_gen():
>         start_tracking_iterations()
>         while True:
>             tally_iteration()
>             yield
>     task_id = ContextKey("task_id")
>     iter_counter = ContextKey("iter_counter")
>     def start_tracking_iterations():
>         iter_counter.set(collection.Counter())
>     def tally_iteration():
>         current_task = task_id.get() # Set elsewhere
>         iter_counter.get()[current_task] += 1
> Now, this isn't a very *sensible* generator (since it could just use a
> regular object instance for tracking instead of a context variable),
> but nevertheless, it's one that we would expect to work, and it's one
> that we would expect to exhibit the following properties:
> 1. When tally_iteration() calls task_id.get(), we expect that to be
> resolved in the context calling next() on the instance, *not* the
> context where the generator was first created
> 2. When tally_iteration() calls iter_counter.get(), we expect that to
> be resolved in the same context where start_tracking_iterations()
> called iter_counter.set()
> This has consequences for the design in the PEP:
> * what we want to capture at generator creation time is the context
> where writes will happen, and we also want that to be the innermost
> context used for lookups

​I don't get it. How is this a consequence of the above two points? And why
do we need to capture something (a "context") at generator creation time?

​-- Koos​

> * other than that innermost context, we want everything else to be dynamic
> * this means that "mutable context saved on the generator" and "entire
> dynamic context visible when the generator runs" aren't the same thing
> And hence the introduction of the LocalContext/LogicalContext
> terminology for the former, and the ExecutionContext terminology for
> the latter.
> ​[...]​

+ Koos Zevenhoven + http://twitter.com/k7hoven +
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