[Python-Dev] first post introduction and question regarding lto

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 19:43:19 EDT 2017

I don't think that PGO compilation itself is slow. Basically, I expect
that it only doubles the compilation time, but compiling Python takes
less than 1 minute usually. The slow part is the profiling task: run
the full Python test suite, which takes at least 20 minutes. The tests
must be run sequentially.

It would help to reduce the number of tests run in the profiling task.
We should also maybe skip tests which depend too much on I/O to get
more reproductible PGO performances.


2017-08-08 1:01 GMT+02:00 Soldea, Octavian <octavian.soldea at intel.com>:
> Hello
> Gregory: Thank you for your message. I really appreciate it.
> In my opinion the use of lto only compilation mode can be of benefit from
> two reasons at least:
> 1.       Lto only can provide a platform for experimentations. Of course, it
> seems to be very application specific.
> 2.       Lto compilation is faster than an entire pgo + lto mode. While pgo
> can take a lot of time, lto can provide significant optimizations, as
> compared to baseline, at the cost of less compilation time. Of course, lto
> is time consuming. To the best of my knowledge, compiling with lto only is
> shorter than combining pgo and lto.
> In this context, I will be more than happy to receive more feedback and
> opinions.
> Best regards,
>   Octavian
> From: Gregory P. Smith [mailto:greg at krypto.org]
> Sent: Monday, August 7, 2017 3:12 PM
> To: Soldea, Octavian <octavian.soldea at intel.com>; Python-Dev at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] first post introduction and question regarding lto
> I've personally never seen a situation where PGO is not desired yet some
> other fancier optimization such as LTO is. When do you encounter people
> wanting that?  PGO always produces a 10-20% faster CPython interpreter.
> I have no problem with patches enabling an LTO only build for anyone who
> wants one if they do not already exist.  At the moment I'm not sure which
> LTO toolchains actually work properly.  We removed it from inclusion in
> --enable-optimizations because it was clearly broken in some common
> environments.
> If LTO without PGO is useful, making it work is probably just a matter of
> making sure @LTOFLAGS@ show up on the non-PGO related Makefile.pre.in
> targets as well as updating the help text for --with-lto in configure.ac.
> [untested]
> -gps
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