[Python-Dev] Details on replacing Python's dict object

Mike Miller python-ideas at mgmiller.net
Tue Apr 25 17:32:41 EDT 2017

While not super technical, this talk by RH got me up to speed on recent 
improvements in the implementation:


I believe there is some sample code linked that you might be able to use for 
testing/benchmarking, etc.


On 2017-04-25 12:52, Jose Aaron Lopez Garcia wrote:
> Hello:
> I'm attempting to replace Python's dict object with an algorithm I created
> myself to improve on memory and time consumption of hashmaps.
> My initial tests on the algorithm show that it manages to keep a stable
> logarithmic performance even with extremely high load factors (>0.9).
> My knowledge of C and Python are good enough but I only know how the interpreter
> works from a theoretical viewpoint, never really done any deep investigation
> into it.
> This said, I need expert help to port the algorithm, any insight into the
> details of the dict object is greatly appreciated (and please let it be as
> technical and guru-ish as possible).
> Regards J. Aaron Lopez.

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