[Python-Dev] The Amazing Unreferenced Weakref

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Tue Sep 6 18:49:36 EDT 2016

This is all about current (3.6) trunk.

In Objects/weakrefobject.c, we have the function 
PyObject_ClearWeakRefs().  This is called when a generic object that 
supports weakrefs is destroyed; this is the code that calls the 
callbacks.  Here's a little paragraph of code from the center:

    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
         PyWeakReference *next = current->wr_next;

         if (((PyObject *)current)->ob_refcnt > 0)
             PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, i * 2, (PyObject *) current);
             PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, i * 2 + 1, current->wr_callback);
         else {
         current->wr_callback = NULL;
         current = next;

"current" is the doubly-linked list of PyWeakReference objects stored 
inside the object that's getting destroyed.

My question: under what circumstances would ob_refcnt ever be 0? The 
tp_dealloc handler for PyWeakReference * objects removes it from this 
list and frees the memory.  How could the reference count reach 0 
without tp_dealloc being called and it being removed from the list?

Scratching my head like crazy,


p.s. If you're thinking "why does he care?", understanding this would 
maybe help with the Gilectomy.  So yes there's a point to this question.
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