[Python-Dev] Please reject or postpone PEP 526

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Tue Sep 6 12:22:46 EDT 2016

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 9:00 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 6 September 2016 at 14:04, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
>> I'm sorry, but we're not going to invent new syntax this late in the
>> game. The syntax proposed by the PEP has been on my mind ever since
>> PEP 484 with very minor variations; I first proposed it seriously on
>> python-ideas over a month ago, we've been debating the details since
>> then, and it's got a solid implementation based on those debates by
>> Ivan Levkivskyi. In contrast, it looks like you just made the "assert
>> x: T" syntax up last night in response to the worries expressed by
>> Mark Shannon, and "assert" sounds a lot like a run-time constraint to
>> me.
> That's a fair description, but the notation also helped me a lot in
> articulating the concepts I was concerned about without having to put
> dummy annotated functions everywhere :)

Thanks Nick! It seems your writings has helped some others (e.g.
Ethan) understand PEP 526.

>> Instead, I encourage you to participate in the writing of a separate
>> PEP explaining how type checkers are expected to work (since PEP 526
>> doesn't specify that). Ivan is also interested in such a PEP and we
>> hope Mark will also lend us his expertise.
> Aye, I'd be happy to help with that - I think everything proposed can
> be described in terms of existing PEP 484 primitives and the
> descriptor protocol, so the requirements on typecheckers would just be
> for them to be self-consistent, rather than defining fundamentally new
> behaviours.

Beware that there are by now some major type checkers that already
claim conformance to PEP 484 in various ways: mypy, pytype, PyCharm,
and probably Semmle.com where Mark works has one too. Each one has
some specialty and each one is a work in progress, but a PEP shouldn't
start out by declaring the approach used by any existing checker

As an example, mypy doesn't yet support Optional by default: it
recognizes the syntax but it doesn't distinguish between e.g. int and
Optional[int]. (It will do the right thing when you pass the
`--strict-optional` flag, but there are still some issues with that
before we can make it the default behavior.)

As another example: mypy understands isinstance() checks so that e.g.
the following works:

def foo(x: Union[int, str]) -> str:
    if isinstance(x, str):
        return x
    return str(x)

I don't think you can find anything in PEP 484 that says this should
work; but without it mypy would be much less useful. (The example here
is silly, but such code appears in real life frequently.)

One final thought: this is not the first time that Python has used
syntax that looks like another language but gives it a different
meaning. In fact, apart from `if`, almost everything in Python works
differently than it works in C++ or Java. So I don't worry much about

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

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