[Python-Dev] New hash algorithms: SHA3, SHAKE, BLAKE2, truncated SHA512

Chris Barker - NOAA Federal chris.barker at noaa.gov
Fri May 27 11:44:45 EDT 2016

>> , which aren't in any wide spread use yet and
> probably won't be for quite a few years ahead.

Anything added to the stdlib now will be in py3.6+, yes?

Which won't be in widespread use for quite a few years yet, either.

So if ( and that's a big if) it's possible to anticipate what will be
in widespread use in a couple years, getting it in now would be a good


> IMO, relying on OpenSSL is a better strategy than providing
> (and maintaining) our own compatibility versions. Until OpenSSL
> has them, people can use Björn's package:
> https://github.com/bjornedstrom/python-sha3
> Perhaps you could join forces with Björn to create a standard
> SHA-3 standalone package on PyPI based on your two variants
> which we could recommend to people in the docs ?!
> --
> Marc-Andre Lemburg
> eGenix.com
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