[Python-Dev] runtime dlls on Windows

Steve Dower steve.dower at python.org
Thu May 26 19:42:07 EDT 2016

On 26May2016 1601, Glenn Linderman wrote:
> On 5/26/2016 3:18 PM, Steve Dower wrote:
>> This has been deprecated. It sounded like a great idea at the time (~8
>> years ago) but caused more problems than it solved.
> Somehow I missed the announcement of the deprecation.

The feature itself probably hasn't been officially deprecated, but using 
it for the C and C++ runtime libraries has not been required for a long 
time now. (I need to be more careful that I don't accidentally announce 
things that may not be true :) )

> When I first heard of Windows manifests, though, my first reaction was
> that it sounded like a solution that was more complex than the problem
> it was trying to solve.



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