[Python-Dev] New hash algorithms: SHA3, SHAKE, BLAKE2, truncated SHA512

Christian Heimes christian at python.org
Wed May 25 06:29:12 EDT 2016

Hi everybody,

I have three hashing-related patches for Python 3.6 that are waiting for
review. Altogether the three patches add ten new hash algorithms to the
hashlib module: SHA3 (224, 256, 384, 512), SHAKE (SHA3 XOF 128, 256),
BLAKE2 (blake2b, blake2s) and truncated SHA512 (224, 256).

SHA-3 / SHAKE: https://bugs.python.org/issue16113
BLAKE2: https://bugs.python.org/issue26798
SHA512/224 / SHA512/256: https://bugs.python.org/issue26834

I like to push the patches during the sprints at PyCon. Please assist
with reviews.


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