[Python-Dev] File system path PEP, 3rd draft

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Mon May 16 16:26:25 EDT 2016

On Mon, 16 May 2016 at 13:12 Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:

> Once you assign yourself a PEP number I'll do one more pass and then I
> expect to accept it -- the draft looks good to me!

Done: https://hg.python.org/peps/rev/b41cb718054a

> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 1:00 PM, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
>> Recent discussions have been about type hints which are orthogonal to the
>> PEP, so things have seemed to have reached a steady state.
>> Was there anything else that needed clarification, Guido, or are you
>> ready to pronounce? Or did you want to wait until the language summit? Or
>> did you want to assign a BDFL delegate?
>> On Fri, 13 May 2016 at 11:37 Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
>>> Biggest changes since the second draft:
>>>    1. Resolve __fspath__() from the type, not the instance (for Guido)
>>>    2. Updated the TypeError messages to say "os.PathLike object"
>>>    instead of "path object" (implicitly for Steven)
>>>    3. TODO item to define "path-like" in the glossary (for Steven)
>>>    4. Various more things added to Rejected Ideas
>>>    5. Added Koos as a co-author (for Koos :)
>>> ----------
>>> PEP: NNN
>>> Title: Adding a file system path protocol
>>> Version: $Revision$
>>> Last-Modified: $Date$
>>> Author: Brett Cannon <brett at python.org>,
>>>         Koos Zevenhoven <k7hoven at gmail.com>
>>> Status: Draft
>>> Type: Standards Track
>>> Content-Type: text/x-rst
>>> Created: 11-May-2016
>>> Post-History: 11-May-2016,
>>>               12-May-2016,
>>>               13-May-2016
>>> Abstract
>>> ========
>>> This PEP proposes a protocol for classes which represent a file system
>>> path to be able to provide a ``str`` or ``bytes`` representation.
>>> Changes to Python's standard library are also proposed to utilize this
>>> protocol where appropriate to facilitate the use of path objects where
>>> historically only ``str`` and/or ``bytes`` file system paths are
>>> accepted. The goal is to facilitate the migration of users towards
>>> rich path objects while providing an easy way to work with code
>>> expecting ``str`` or ``bytes``.
>>> Rationale
>>> =========
>>> Historically in Python, file system paths have been represented as
>>> strings or bytes. This choice of representation has stemmed from C's
>>> own decision to represent file system paths as
>>> ``const char *`` [#libc-open]_. While that is a totally serviceable
>>> format to use for file system paths, it's not necessarily optimal. At
>>> issue is the fact that while all file system paths can be represented
>>> as strings or bytes, not all strings or bytes represent a file system
>>> path. This can lead to issues where any e.g. string duck-types to a
>>> file system path whether it actually represents a path or not.
>>> To help elevate the representation of file system paths from their
>>> representation as strings and bytes to a richer object representation,
>>> the pathlib module [#pathlib]_ was provisionally introduced in
>>> Python 3.4 through PEP 428. While considered by some as an improvement
>>> over strings and bytes for file system paths, it has suffered from a
>>> lack of adoption. Typically the key issue listed for the low adoption
>>> rate has been the lack of support in the standard library. This lack
>>> of support required users of pathlib to manually convert path objects
>>> to strings by calling ``str(path)`` which many found error-prone.
>>> One issue in converting path objects to strings comes from
>>> the fact that the only generic way to get a string representation of
>>> the path was to pass the object to ``str()``. This can pose a
>>> problem when done blindly as nearly all Python objects have some
>>> string representation whether they are a path or not, e.g.
>>> ``str(None)`` will give a result that
>>> ``builtins.open()`` [#builtins-open]_ will happily use to create a new
>>> file.
>>> Exacerbating this whole situation is the
>>> ``DirEntry`` object [#os-direntry]_. While path objects have a
>>> representation that can be extracted using ``str()``, ``DirEntry``
>>> objects expose a ``path`` attribute instead. Having no common
>>> interface between path objects, ``DirEntry``, and any other
>>> third-party path library has become an issue. A solution that allows
>>> any path-representing object to declare that it is a path and a way
>>> to extract a low-level representation that all path objects could
>>> support is desired.
>>> This PEP then proposes to introduce a new protocol to be followed by
>>> objects which represent file system paths. Providing a protocol allows
>>> for explicit signaling of what objects represent file system paths as
>>> well as a way to extract a lower-level representation that can be used
>>> with older APIs which only support strings or bytes.
>>> Discussions regarding path objects that led to this PEP can be found
>>> in multiple threads on the python-ideas mailing list archive
>>> [#python-ideas-archive]_ for the months of March and April 2016 and on
>>> the python-dev mailing list archives [#python-dev-archive]_ during
>>> April 2016.
>>> Proposal
>>> ========
>>> This proposal is split into two parts. One part is the proposal of a
>>> protocol for objects to declare and provide support for exposing a
>>> file system path representation. The other part deals with changes to
>>> Python's standard library to support the new protocol. These changes
>>> will also lead to the pathlib module dropping its provisional status.
>>> Protocol
>>> --------
>>> The following abstract base class defines the protocol for an object
>>> to be considered a path object::
>>>     import abc
>>>     import typing as t
>>>     class PathLike(abc.ABC):
>>>         """Abstract base class for implementing the file system path
>>> protocol."""
>>>         @abc.abstractmethod
>>>         def __fspath__(self) -> t.Union[str, bytes]:
>>>             """Return the file system path representation of the
>>> object."""
>>>             raise NotImplementedError
>>> Objects representing file system paths will implement the
>>> ``__fspath__()`` method which will return the ``str`` or ``bytes``
>>> representation of the path. The ``str`` representation is the
>>> preferred low-level path representation as it is human-readable and
>>> what people historically represent paths as.
>>> Standard library changes
>>> ------------------------
>>> It is expected that most APIs in Python's standard library that
>>> currently accept a file system path will be updated appropriately to
>>> accept path objects (whether that requires code or simply an update
>>> to documentation will vary). The modules mentioned below, though,
>>> deserve specific details as they have either fundamental changes that
>>> empower the ability to use path objects, or entail additions/removal
>>> of APIs.
>>> builtins
>>> ''''''''
>>> ``open()`` [#builtins-open]_ will be updated to accept path objects as
>>> well as continue to accept ``str`` and ``bytes``.
>>> os
>>> '''
>>> The ``fspath()`` function will be added with the following semantics::
>>>     import typing as t
>>>     def fspath(path: t.Union[PathLike, str, bytes]) -> t.Union[str,
>>> bytes]:
>>>         """Return the string representation of the path.
>>>         If str or bytes is passed in, it is returned unchanged.
>>>         """
>>>         if isinstance(path, (str, bytes)):
>>>             return path
>>>         # Work from the object's type to match method resolution of
>>> other magic
>>>         # methods.
>>>         path_type = type(path)
>>>         try:
>>>             return path_type.__fspath__(path)
>>>         except AttributeError:
>>>             if hasattr(path_type, '__fspath__'):
>>>                 raise
>>>             raise TypeError("expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object,
>>> not "
>>>                             + path_type.__name__)
>>> The ``os.fsencode()`` [#os-fsencode]_ and
>>> ``os.fsdecode()`` [#os-fsdecode]_ functions will be updated to accept
>>> path objects. As both functions coerce their arguments to
>>> ``bytes`` and ``str``, respectively, they will be updated to call
>>> ``__fspath__()`` if present to convert the path object to a ``str`` or
>>> ``bytes`` representation, and then perform their appropriate
>>> coercion operations as if the return value from ``__fspath__()`` had
>>> been the original argument to the coercion function in question.
>>> The addition of ``os.fspath()``, the updates to
>>> ``os.fsencode()``/``os.fsdecode()``, and the current semantics of
>>> ``pathlib.PurePath`` provide the semantics necessary to
>>> get the path representation one prefers. For a path object,
>>> ``pathlib.PurePath``/``Path`` can be used. To obtain the ``str`` or
>>> ``bytes`` representation without any coersion, then ``os.fspath()``
>>> can be used. If a ``str`` is desired and the encoding of ``bytes``
>>> should be assumed to be the default file system encoding, then
>>> ``os.fsdecode()`` should be used. If a ``bytes`` representation is
>>> desired and any strings should be encoded using the default file
>>> system encoding, then ``os.fsencode()`` is used. This PEP recommends
>>> using path objects when possible and falling back to string paths as
>>> necessary and using ``bytes`` as a last resort.
>>> Another way to view this is as a hierarchy of file system path
>>> representations (highest- to lowest-level): path → str → bytes. The
>>> functions and classes under discussion can all accept objects on the
>>> same level of the hierarchy, but they vary in whether they promote or
>>> demote objects to another level. The ``pathlib.PurePath`` class can
>>> promote a ``str`` to a path object. The ``os.fspath()`` function can
>>> demote a path object to a ``str`` or ``bytes`` instance, depending
>>> on what ``__fspath__()`` returns.
>>> The ``os.fsdecode()`` function will demote a path object to
>>> a string or promote a ``bytes`` object to a ``str``. The
>>> ``os.fsencode()`` function will demote a path or string object to
>>> ``bytes``. There is no function that provides a way to demote a path
>>> object directly to ``bytes`` while bypassing string demotion.
>>> The ``DirEntry`` object [#os-direntry]_ will gain an ``__fspath__()``
>>> method. It will return the same value as currently found on the
>>> ``path`` attribute of ``DirEntry`` instances.
>>> The Protocol_ ABC will be added to the ``os`` module under the name
>>> ``os.PathLike``.
>>> os.path
>>> '''''''
>>> The various path-manipulation functions of ``os.path`` [#os-path]_
>>> will be updated to accept path objects. For polymorphic functions that
>>> accept both bytes and strings, they will be updated to simply use
>>> ``os.fspath()``.
>>> During the discussions leading up to this PEP it was suggested that
>>> ``os.path`` not be updated using an "explicit is better than implicit"
>>> argument. The thinking was that since ``__fspath__()`` is polymorphic
>>> itself it may be better to have code working with ``os.path`` extract
>>> the path representation from path objects explicitly. There is also
>>> the consideration that adding support this deep into the low-level OS
>>> APIs will lead to code magically supporting path objects without
>>> requiring any documentation updated, leading to potential complaints
>>> when it doesn't work, unbeknownst to the project author.
>>> But it is the view of this PEP that "practicality beats purity" in
>>> this instance. To help facilitate the transition to supporting path
>>> objects, it is better to make the transition as easy as possible than
>>> to worry about unexpected/undocumented duck typing support for
>>> path objects by projects.
>>> There has also been the suggestion that ``os.path`` functions could be
>>> used in a tight loop and the overhead of checking or calling
>>> ``__fspath__()`` would be too costly. In this scenario only
>>> path-consuming APIs would be directly updated and path-manipulating
>>> APIs like the ones in ``os.path`` would go unmodified. This would
>>> require library authors to update their code to support path objects
>>> if they performed any path manipulations, but if the library code
>>> passed the path straight through then the library wouldn't need to be
>>> updated. It is the view of this PEP and Guido, though, that this is an
>>> unnecessary worry and that performance will still be acceptable.
>>> pathlib
>>> '''''''
>>> The constructor for ``pathlib.PurePath`` and ``pathlib.Path`` will be
>>> updated to accept ``PathLike`` objects. Both ``PurePath`` and ``Path``
>>> will continue to not accept ``bytes`` path representations, and so if
>>> ``__fspath__()`` returns ``bytes`` it will raise an exception.
>>> The ``path`` attribute will be removed as this PEP makes it
>>> redundant (it has not been included in any released version of Python
>>> and so is not a backwards-compatibility concern).
>>> C API
>>> '''''
>>> The C API will gain an equivalent function to ``os.fspath()``::
>>>     /*
>>>         Return the file system path of the object.
>>>         If the object is str or bytes, then allow it to pass through with
>>>         an incremented refcount. If the object defines __fspath__(), then
>>>         return the result of that method. All other types raise a
>>> TypeError.
>>>     */
>>>     PyObject *
>>>     PyOS_FSPath(PyObject *path)
>>>     {
>>>         if (PyUnicode_Check(path) || PyBytes_Check(path)) {
>>>             Py_INCREF(path);
>>>             return path;
>>>         }
>>>         if (PyObject_HasAttrString(path->ob_type, "__fspath__")) {
>>>             return PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(path->ob_type,
>>> "__fspath__", path,
>>>                                             NULL);
>>>         }
>>>         return PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
>>>                             "expected a str, bytes, or os.PathLike
>>> object, not %S",
>>>                             path->ob_type);
>>>     }
>>> Backwards compatibility
>>> =======================
>>> There are no explicit backwards-compatibility concerns. Unless an
>>> object incidentally already defines a ``__fspath__()`` method there is
>>> no reason to expect the pre-existing code to break or expect to have
>>> its semantics implicitly changed.
>>> Libraries wishing to support path objects and a version of Python
>>> prior to Python 3.6 and the existence of ``os.fspath()`` can use the
>>> idiom of
>>> ``path.__fspath__() if hasattr(path, "__fspath__") else path``.
>>> Implementation
>>> ==============
>>> This is the task list for what this PEP proposes:
>>> #. Remove the ``path`` attribute from pathlib
>>> #. Remove the provisional status of pathlib
>>> #. Add ``os.PathLike``
>>> #. Add ``os.fspath()``
>>> #. Add ``PyOS_FSPath()``
>>> #. Update ``os.fsencode()``
>>> #. Update ``os.fsdecode()``
>>> #. Update ``pathlib.PurePath`` and ``pathlib.Path``
>>> #. Update ``builtins.open()``
>>> #. Update ``os.DirEntry``
>>> #. Update ``os.path``
>>> #. Add a glossary entry for "path-like"
>>> Rejected Ideas
>>> ==============
>>> Other names for the protocol's method
>>> -------------------------------------
>>> Various names were proposed during discussions leading to this PEP,
>>> including ``__path__``, ``__pathname__``, and ``__fspathname__``. In
>>> the end people seemed to gravitate towards ``__fspath__`` for being
>>> unambiguous without being unnecessarily long.
>>> Separate str/bytes methods
>>> --------------------------
>>> At one point it was suggested that ``__fspath__()`` only return
>>> strings and another method named ``__fspathb__()`` be introduced to
>>> return bytes. The thinking is that by making ``__fspath__()`` not be
>>> polymorphic it could make dealing with the potential string or bytes
>>> representations easier. But the general consensus was that returning
>>> bytes will more than likely be rare and that the various functions in
>>> the os module are the better abstraction to promote over direct
>>> calls to ``__fspath__()``.
>>> Providing a ``path`` attribute
>>> ------------------------------
>>> To help deal with the issue of ``pathlib.PurePath`` not inheriting
>>> from ``str``, originally it was proposed to introduce a ``path``
>>> attribute to mirror what ``os.DirEntry`` provides. In the end,
>>> though, it was determined that a protocol would provide the same
>>> result while not directly exposing an API that most people will never
>>> need to interact with directly.
>>> Have ``__fspath__()`` only return strings
>>> ------------------------------------------
>>> Much of the discussion that led to this PEP revolved around whether
>>> ``__fspath__()`` should be polymorphic and return ``bytes`` as well as
>>> ``str`` or only return ``str``. The general sentiment for this view
>>> was that ``bytes`` are difficult to work with due to their
>>> inherent lack of information about their encoding and PEP 383 makes
>>> it possible to represent all file system paths using ``str`` with the
>>> ``surrogateescape`` handler. Thus, it would be better to forcibly
>>> promote the use of ``str`` as the low-level path representation for
>>> high-level path objects.
>>> In the end, it was decided that using ``bytes`` to represent paths is
>>> simply not going to go away and thus they should be supported to some
>>> degree. The hope is that people will gravitate towards path objects
>>> like pathlib and that will move people away from operating directly
>>> with ``bytes``.
>>> A generic string encoding mechanism
>>> -----------------------------------
>>> At one point there was a discussion of developing a generic mechanism
>>> to extract a string representation of an object that had semantic
>>> meaning (``__str__()`` does not necessarily return anything of
>>> semantic significance beyond what may be helpful for debugging). In
>>> the end, it was deemed to lack a motivating need beyond the one this
>>> PEP is trying to solve in a specific fashion.
>>> Have __fspath__ be an attribute
>>> -------------------------------
>>> It was briefly considered to have ``__fspath__`` be an attribute
>>> instead of a method. This was rejected for two reasons. One,
>>> historically protocols have been implemented as "magic methods" and
>>> not "magic methods and attributes". Two, there is no guarantee that
>>> the lower-level representation of a path object will be pre-computed,
>>> potentially misleading users that there was no expensive computation
>>> behind the scenes in case the attribute was implemented as a property.
>>> This also indirectly ties into the idea of introducing a ``path``
>>> attribute to accomplish the same thing. This idea has an added issue,
>>> though, of accidentally having any object with a ``path`` attribute
>>> meet the protocol's duck typing. Introducing a new magic method for
>>> the protocol helpfully avoids any accidental opting into the protocol.
>>> Provide specific type hinting support
>>> -------------------------------------
>>> There was some consideration to provdinga generic ``typing.PathLike``
>>> class which would allow for e.g. ``typing.PathLike[str]`` to specify
>>> a type hint for a path object which returned a string representation.
>>> While potentially beneficial, the usefulness was deemed too small to
>>> bother adding the type hint class.
>>> This also removed any desire to have a class in the ``typing`` module
>>> which represented the union of all acceptable path-representing types
>>> as that can be represented with
>>> ``typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]`` easily enough and the hope
>>> is users will slowly gravitate to path objects only.
>>> Provide ``os.fspathb()``
>>> ------------------------
>>> It was suggested that to mirror the structure of e.g.
>>> ``os.getcwd()``/``os.getcwdb()``, that ``os.fspath()`` only return
>>> ``str`` and that another function named ``os.fspathb()`` be
>>> introduced that only returned ``bytes``. This was rejected as the
>>> purposes of the ``*b()`` functions are tied to querying the file
>>> system where there is a need to get the raw bytes back. As this PEP
>>> does not work directly with data on a file system (but which *may*
>>> be), the view was taken this distinction is unnecessary. It's also
>>> believed that the need for only bytes will not be common enough to
>>> need to support in such a specific manner as ``os.fsencode()`` will
>>> provide similar functionality.
>>> Call ``__fspath__()`` off of the instance
>>> -----------------------------------------
>>> An earlier draft of this PEP had ``os.fspath()`` calling
>>> ``path.__fspath__()`` instead of ``type(path).__fspath__(path)``. The
>>> changed to be consistent with how other magic methods in Python are
>>> resolved.
>>> Acknowledgements
>>> ================
>>> Thanks to everyone who participated in the various discussions related
>>> to this PEP that spanned both python-ideas and python-dev. Special
>>> thanks to Stephen Turnbull for direct feedback on early drafts of this
>>> PEP. More special thanks to Koos Zevenhoven and Ethan Furman for not
>>> only feedback on early drafts of this PEP but also helping to drive
>>> the overall discussion on this topic across the two mailing lists.
>>> References
>>> ==========
>>> .. [#python-ideas-archive] The python-ideas mailing list archive
>>>    (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/)
>>> .. [#python-dev-archive] The python-dev mailing list archive
>>>    (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/)
>>> .. [#libc-open] ``open()`` documention for the C standard library
>>>    (
>>> http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Opening-and-Closing-Files.html
>>> )
>>> .. [#pathlib] The ``pathlib`` module
>>>    (https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#module-pathlib)
>>> .. [#builtins-open] The ``builtins.open()`` function
>>>    (https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#open)
>>> .. [#os-fsencode] The ``os.fsencode()`` function
>>>    (https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html#os.fsencode)
>>> .. [#os-fsdecode] The ``os.fsdecode()`` function
>>>    (https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html#os.fsdecode)
>>> .. [#os-direntry] The ``os.DirEntry`` class
>>>    (https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html#os.DirEntry)
>>> .. [#os-path] The ``os.path`` module
>>>    (https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.path.html#module-os.path)
>>> Copyright
>>> =========
>>> This document has been placed in the public domain.
>>> ..
>>>    Local Variables:
>>>    mode: indented-text
>>>    indent-tabs-mode: nil
>>>    sentence-end-double-space: t
>>>    fill-column: 70
>>>    coding: utf-8
>>>    End:
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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