[Python-Dev] file system path protocol PEP

Koos Zevenhoven k7hoven at gmail.com
Wed May 11 13:36:46 EDT 2016

**another deep, calming breath**

On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 7:43 PM, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> Open Issues
> ===========
> Should os.fspath() return bytes?
> --------------------------------

In most cases, it of course should not. The section (or the title) do
not represent my view on the topic, but bytes paths are not going away
any time soon, so this requires considerations.

Below is a copy paste of my comment in the discussion on my pull
request ( https://github.com/brettcannon/path-pep/pull/2 ). It is
about whether os.fspath should look like

def fspath(path, *, type_constraint=str): ...

This was already discussed before, receiving positive reactions. It
would be an extension to what is in the draft Brett just posted. Note
that the return type, however, does not depend on `type_constraint`.
It fully depends on `path`. The constraint only determines when an
exception is raised instead of returning a value.  When using
str-based paths normally, one would do


Calling it with

os.fspath(path, type_constraint=(str, bytes))

would turn off rejection of bytes paths (and be consistent with the
rest of `os` and `os.path` where functions accept both types). But the
default value for the keyword argument would be a good reminder that
str-based paths should be used by default. This str-constraint is also
present in the current drafted version, but it is not optional or
visible in the signature.

(See the diffs of my pull request for an example implementation of this.)

So below is the copy-paste from the pull request discussion that I promised:

Nobody wants to promote using `bytes` for paths without a proper
reason. However, `os.fspath(path, type_contraint=str)` is already a
compromise from the current `os.*` convention (of symmetrically
supporting both `str` and `bytes`) towards enforcing `str`-based

As you know, the reason for using `os.fspath` is to switch to a
lower-level representation of paths as strings. When you use it, you
are already deciding that you are lower-level and want to examine or
manipulate path strings manually. I think the `type_constraint=str`
keyword-only argument (with the default) is a good way to remind the
'user' that `str` is the way to go unless you know what you are doing
and, to `bytes` users, that `os.fspath` (by default) rejects bytes.

Looking at the discussions on python-dev, one notices that the active
people in the discussions were mostly in favor of exposing the
bytes-supporting version in one way or the other. Some were even
against bytes-rejecting versions.

Most people (Python programmers), especially in the long term, should
not be using `os.fspath` a lot. If they want to print a path, they
should simply do so: `print(path_obj)`, or `print(f"The path is:
{path_obj}")`. However, there will always be people that for whatever
reason want to convert a pathlib object into a string, and without
even consulting the docs, they may write `str(path_obj)`. And that's
not the end of the world. It's not any worse than `str(integer)` for
instance. After all, if the main point is to convert something into a
generic string, the function should probably be called `str`, not
`fspath`. But if the idea is to convert any path object into something
that `os` and similar code internally understand, then `os.fspath`
sounds fine to me. So I would not go as far as 'never use
`str(path)`'. What we don't want is things like `open(str(path),
'w')`. I know you agree, because you wrote that yourself. But once
this protocol is available, I see no reason why people would
voluntarily wrap their path objects in `str(...)`, so I don't see that
as a problem in the future (thanks to this PEP). So, especially in the
long term, I don't expect `fspath` to be an everyday tool for people.
Even in shorter term, people don't usually need it, because the stdlib
will already support pathlib objects.

Since it is not an everyday tool, I think it's ok to have that extra
keyword-only argument. Even if it were an everyday tool, I can see the
keyword-only argument in the signature as useful thing in a
documentation sense.

[As a side note, I could imagine someone convincing me that `fspath`
should *always* accept both `str`- and `bytes`-based paths, because
that would simplify it and align it with the rest of `os`. This would
not be any worse than the status quo in terms of early failures. That
would, however, still not detect accidental use of bytes paths (when
forgotten to decode from the encoding it was received in).]

-- Koos

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