[Python-Dev] Yearly PyPI breakage

Stefan Krah stefan at bytereef.org
Thu May 5 20:24:57 EDT 2016

Donald Stufft <donald <at> stufft.io> writes:
> > Technically, he
> > didn't gloat, but suddenly legal advice was apparently readily available.
> > 
> >  https://pypi.python.org/pypi/m3-cdecimal
> > 
> I'm not going to respond to the rest of this, because I don't think it's
> possible for you and me to have a constructive discussion on these other
> issues. However, I do want to point out that the PSF is the legal entity
> PyPI itself and Van is both a board member and a lawyer. I don't recall what
> exactly was discussed with who about m3-cdecimal, but it's completely
> reasonable that when a legal question comes up with PyPI that we consult the
> PSF board members, particularly the ones who are lawyers.

It is not reasonable at all.  A normal human being would try to consider
first if an author has moral rights as opposed to legal rights and
maybe pick up the phone or use private email instead of escalating
everything to Twitter.

Also, what was discussed was not whether the PSF had any right
to remove m3-cdecimal but rather whether *I* had any rights to
*demand* the removal.

People concluded gleefully that I hadn't any (I still think they're
mistaken and an enterprising Oracle lawyer could come to a different
conclusion, but that's besides the point). 

Stefan Krah

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