[Python-Dev] Yearly PyPI breakage

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Wed May 4 21:28:29 EDT 2016

On 4 May 2016 at 05:06, Stefan Krah <stefan at bytereef.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> Could someone enlighten me which hoops I have to jump through
> this year in order to keep pip downloads working?


I know you're not happy with myself and the other distutils-sig folks
regarding the decision to deprecate and remove automatic link
spidering, nor with the PSF regarding the current Terms of Service
around uploads to PyPI, but that doesn't make it OK to start off-topic
threads on python-dev just because you're a CPython core developer in
addition to being a PyPI user.

It *definitely* doesn't make it OK to accuse people of conspiring
against you when they answer your question in good faith, just because
their answer is the official distutils-sig/PyPA one (which was
approved through the PEP process in PEP 470).

Depending on which aspect is most bothering you right now, potential
courses of action worth pursuing include:

- writing to psf-legal to let them know whether or not Van Lindberg's
draft updates to the Terms of Service would be sufficient to make you
comfortable with uploading cdecimal to PyPI in addition to bundling it
with the standard library under your existing Contributor Licensing
Agreement: https://bitbucket.org/vanl/pypi/src/default/templates/confirm.pt

- writing to distutils-sig to see what opportunities exist to assist
with the migration from the fragile legacy PyPI codebase to the new
Warehouse implementation (which is a technical debt reduction activity
currently blocking a lot of other enhancements to the PyPI ecosystem)

- writing to the PSF Board asking us to increase the PSF's level of
investment in PyPI infrastructure support (while we're already aware
of that need, we're also the right venue to escalate these kinds of
concerns for folks that don't have the time or inclination to get
directly involved in improving the situation themselves)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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